Ends of the Earth


ENDS OF THE EARTH is committed to providing viewers of the film with the necessary resources and next steps to deepen the experience with the film. If you or a loved one are interested in learning more, sharing, donating or becoming a part of the missions field yourself, then the below resources from our amazing partners can help guide you.

Discussion Guide

Discussion Guide

This Discussion Guide is intended to lead you and your group through the themes found in ENDS OF THE EARTH. Think of this as a starting point for broader discussions as you wrestle with what and how God is calling you to further engage with His work. Each day features a clip from the film, a Scripture passage further highlighting this theme, as well as a few questions for your group to wrestle with.

Download Discussion Guide

Learn More

If you would like to learn more information about the partners of ENDS OF THE EARTH and their participation in the film, visit their websites below.

Jesus Film ProjectMAFRadical VideosStratus


If you’d like to share with your church, small group of community about ENDS OF THE EARTH, look through our library of videos, social media content and trailers.

Visit Our Share Tools


If you’d like to generously give to any of the following missions based ministries and foundations, below are a couple of ways to give to the missionary community.

MAFMAF - Joyce Lin Memorial FundChristian Community Credit Union


If you are interested in missions work and have the skill set to be a pilot or serve desolate communities with the gospel, see the below.

EthnosMoody Bible InstituteRadical VideosMAF

Prayer and Devotion

Seeking prayer and resources to discover your calling?

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